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Bird Pest Control: Proofing, Netting, Spiking and Cleaning

Window Bird Netting Proofing Pest Control
Solar Panel Pigeon Proofing
Pure Pest Solutions Van Bird Pest Control

Pure Pest Solutions offers a comprehensive bird control and proofing service. This includes solar panel proofing, bird spike and bird netting installation as well as removal of birds’ nests, complete with deodorisation. It may be scratching or chirping noises coming from your loft in spring, or a flock of angry pigeons defecating all over your home or business. 

Undertaking larger projects such as town halls, shops or football stadiums are also no problem. Read on for more details of the types of bird pest control we can help with and get in touch for a quote and any questions you may have.

Solar Panel Bird Proofing

Pure Pest Solutions Solar Panel Proofing

As we turn to the sun to power our homes, solar panels are becoming more popular across the nation. Unfortunately, birds such as pigeons can nest under the panels. This can damage them and can also cause slip hazards for those walking below. Not to mention the blocking of gutters leading to damaged buildings as rain water can’t drain away. 

Pure Pest Solutions Bird Solar Panel Proofing Mesh Pigeon
Clean Solar Panels: Bird Prooinf Pest Control Pure Pest Solutions
Solar Panel Mesh to Stop Birds Nesting Underneath Pure Pest Solutions

To stop the solar panel bird issue, we have a plethora of solutions at our disposal. It is worth noting that none of our solutions require drilling into the solar panels so you don’t need to worry about voiding your warranty with Pure Pest Solutions.

The picture above shows a neat solution using mesh which stops ingress from all birds starting to nest (and even squirrels!). No birds are harmed in the process as they simply move elsewhere to nest - balancing nature with health and safety.​

Pigeon Netting and Spiking​

Bird Bird Netting and Spikes Proofing Pure Pest Solutions

It is quite common that birds perching can cause a lot of mess on the areas below. Bird Guano (bird droppings) is not only unsightly, but salmonella can be found in 70% of the pigeon population which is transferred through their droppings.  These in themselves can also cause slip hazards.

To stop birds perching and nesting there are many solutions which can be used. These vary from “Bird Free” pots which simulate fire (yes really), therefore dissuading the birds to wires, making bird perching much harder. 

The most common bird proofing method is a combination of netting and spikes. The example above shows some subtle spiking of an area along the roofline. Before the spikes were placed, a front door below the area had a constant issue of bird droppings which caused a real mess and a big slip hazard. It is important to cover all areas where perching birds may move on to at the same time (as we have done here).

A canopy where birds were pooing on items below. Pure Pest Solutions netted the area to stop pigoens pirching


A Canopy with netting bird prooing to stop birds perching dropping bird mess on the floor


Bird Netting is a very neat solution to bird issues and can cover large areas that may have multiple places where birds (such as pigeons) perch. A great and simple example is seen here on a canopy at an industrial unit. The problem here was that products and forklifts leaving the factory were getting bird droppings on them from pigeons nesting and perching above. By introducing a net across the area, the issue was permanently dealt with. A zip was added for access to the netted area when required for maintenance.

Birds in Your Roof

Pure Pest House Bird Nest in roof

Birds do provide much joy as they form part of nature. However, unfortunately, in spring when the birds and the bees are in full swing, a scratching noise from your loft can mean birds are nesting. This can be quite tricky to live with when chicks are chirping throughout the night.


Starlings amongst other birds nesting in your roof can disturb all summer, not to mentioned House Martins which can make a very untitled mess. Solutions such as wire mesh proofing ,nest stops and chimney cowls can take care of these issues.


It is important to remember nesting birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 so proofing needs to be done pre nesting. To talk through your issue, please get in touch with the team today for advice and a FREE quote, and for more information about birds nesting in your loft, check out our blog here.

Birds Getting Stuck in a Chimney? A bird chimney cowl can stop this issue from happening. Bird Prooifng Pure Pest Solutions
House Martins or Swallows Nesting can require bird proofing to help them to move in future
Nest stop helps stop House Martons nesting causing a mess of droppings below

Our dedicated bird team will provide solutions for your home as well as large commercial and public sites. No job is too large or too small. The services we provide vary from proofing of areas where during the spring and summer birds have historically nested, or removing feral pigeons and deep cleaning the area.


Undertaking larger projects such as town halls, shops or football stadiums are also no problem. Some bird pest control issues can be rectified using spike or bird netting systems that stop roosting or nesting where not required.

Below are a selection of pictures taken from some of the completed bird proofing already under our belts. For more information on solar panel bird proofing, bird netting, spikes and all other pest issues get in touch with us today 

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We are of course happy to attend and discuss your requirements in person at no cost to you. All work is guaranteed and including netting and spiking  to keep birds out and deep cleans to clear sites where our feathered friends have made a mess. All work is in line with health and safety guidelines and also we are proud to say no harm comes to birds during and after our work.


Contact us now to discuss your needs and arrange a FREE site visit on    01865 238 239 or email

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Pure Pest Solutions Van

Freephone: 0800 2461716

Oxford: 01865 238239

Abingdon: 01235 603103

Wallingford/ Henley: 01491 902341

Reading: 0118 449 2356


Text: 07786494304

Opening Times

Monday 8:30 - 5PM

Tuesday to Friday: 9AM - 5PM

Saturdays: 11AM - 4PM

Sundays Closed

Pure Pest Solutions is trading name of PPM Environmental Ltd: VAT no. 285680464

Company Number: 10082556

Registered in England and Wales

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Office Addresses:

Head Office: 34 Habitat Way, Wallingford, OX10 9FT

The Wheelhouse, Angel Court, 81 St Clements Street, Oxford, OX4 1AW

Depot: 13 Bergen Ave, Abingdon OX14 5QA

52 Gower St, Reading RG1 7PE​

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