Carpet and clothes moths, much like carpet beetle, can cause substantial pest control problems around the home. Take a look at the video taken in an Oxford cottage showing the damage a carpet a moth infestation has caused.
But of course our carpet moth pest control treatments are not just undertaken in Oxford. Moths will also travel to exotic places such as Abingdon, Reading and Newbury! The reason for moths coming into a home is generally due to central heating in modern homes providing perfect temperatures for a moths cycle.
How do Carpet/Clothes Moths and Beetles get into the home?
The million dollar question is how do carpet moths get into the home environment? Predominantly this is during the summer months when the general summer temperatures in the United Kingdom mean moths are free to roam.
An open window, perhaps with a light on, will see moths flying in and making themselves comfortable. The damage clothes moths cause is usually greater in the summer, however due to central heating systems used in winter, it still can and does continue.
What causes Moth Damage to carpets?
Despite the name, the fully-grown beetle or moth does not cause damage to carpets. However during the larval stage of their life cycle, large-scale damage can be caused to carpets as well as other fabrics. The grub stage of the life cycle feeds on natural fibres, not just carpet but also clothes around the home. They like to hide in dark places such as under beds, and of course, in your tasty clothes.
How to Get rid of Carpet and Clothes Moth
Before calling in a carpet or clothes moth exterminator such as Pure Pest Solutions, there are things you can do to try and limit the infestation. Hoovering is your best friend! Hoover everywhere! Even the uprights on stairs will bring the numbers down. Please do remember to empty your hoover afterwards. If you find some damage you think may be caused by a carpet moth infestation, please do send us a picture and we will happily diagnose whether it is carpet moth or something else. Simply contact us and we will do our detective work.

How to treat a moth infestation the Pure Pest Solutions Way...
We offer two options when it comes to treating carpet moths. This is broken down into the number of treatments. We do tend to find, following a good hoover, a treatment from us can help give the moths a push out the door. In fact option 2 comes with a 30 day moth free warranty.
Option 1: The knock down
Once booked, your pest controller will initially ascertain the location of the moth or beetle infestation. An insecticide treatment will then be carried out covering infested areas and where they could move to.
We will of course talk you through the process when treating and preparing clothes.
Finally, a ULV (Ultra Low Volume) misting will be undertaken to kill the live moths around the property. The moths sole purpose is to lay more eggs. The principle is that the chemical keeps working on hatching moth eggs.
Remember that it is the larval stage that causes the damage, not the moths. Every moth situation is different and we are happy to talk yours through. Contact us now for more information.

Option 2: Complete with 30 day Warranty
The second moth treatment option comes complete with a 30 day warranty. 30 days should show there are no more moths coming out and the current moth infestation is dealt with.
The main difference between option one and two is the second has a follow up visit 2-3 weeks after the first. We leave moth monitors after the first visit to identify areas which may still have an issue for when we return for the second moth spray.
The chemical laid down on the first visit has a working life span of approximately 3 weeks depending on the factors such as heat and light which breaks down the chemical composition. A follow-up spray and ULV extends this to a minimum of 6 weeks.
With this level of coverage the infestation should be under control, giving you peace of mind. If you would like to talk through your infestation please do get in touch so you can say good bye to moths once and for all!